Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): FEPI-JOPAS VOLUME 3 ISSUE 1

The Federal Polytechnic Ilaro Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (FEPI-JOPAS) is a double blinded peer-reviewed and bi-annual open access journal(June and December). It aims to provide scholarly platform for critical and informed articles in Sciences, Applied Sciences, Computing Technology, Environmental Sciences and Engineering related fields. Prospective research scholars are invited to submit their original quality manuscript, research reports, intellectual articles and latest research & findings. Submission for the first issue of every year ends on 31st of April while manuscripts for the second issue are accepted until 31st of October. ISSN: 2714-2531.
- Authors Registration on the Journal Website:
- Submission of Manuscript/ Payment of Assessment Fees
- Review of Manuscript
- Correction of Ariticles/Acceptance or Rejection
- Payment of Publication Fees/Pre-paration of Camera-Ready Copy
- Editorial Acitivities/ Publication of Articles
- Each manuscript should conform with the APA style of referencing (6th Edition) typed in single line spacing and maximum of five thousand (5000) words.
- The manuscript should bear the title of the article, name(s) of author(s), office designation(s), affiliation place(s) of work, telephone number(s) and e-mail address(es). Abstracts of 100 to 200 words are required to introduce each article, Keywords of not more than six(6) should be included. The Template for submission of manuscript is available on the journal site: https://fepi-jopas.federalpolyilaro.edu.ng
- Authors are strongly advised to check the similarity index of their paper using Turnitin, the accepted similarity index is 20%. Also the use of grammar checker is strongly advised before submission.
- Authors need to register on the journal site prior to submission, or if already registered, you can simply log in and begin the five step process of submitting research article.
- Other inquiries should be sent electronically to the Managing Editor using the journal email: [email protected]
- Authors are expected to pay a non-refundable assessment fee of N5,000:00(Five Thousand naira Only) for review of manuscripts. Account details is as follows:
Banker: United Bank for Africa (UBA) Plc
Account number 2162577996
- Author whose manuscript is found suitable for publication would be notified and letter of acceptance copyright form will be issued electronically.