A Fingerprint Based Biometric Attendance System for Eliminating Examination Malpractices with Enhanced Notification
The role of attendance in the integrity of examinations in higher institutions of learning cannot be overemphasized.
Also, attendance lays more credence to the authenticity of the conduct of examination. The traditional attendance is
limited in a number of ways due to its non-interactivity and it is subject to manipulation. This paper presents a
Fingerprint Based Biometric Attendance System for Eliminating Examination Malpractices with Enhanced Notification (BASEMEN). BASEMEN uses biometric technology based on students’ fingerprints that ensures dynamic updates of legitimate students’ records. This means that only qualified students would be allowed to sit and write the examination. The notification subsystem reports match/mismatch of the registered students’ fingerprints appropriately. BASEMEN was implemented in Framework7.css (for interface design) using HTML/CSS and PHP/MYSQL. jQuery Ajax was used to send request to PHP using Cross Domain. A combination of PHP/MYSQL (to process the request sent by jQuery Ajax and serves as the backend that communicate with database). The proposed system was tested in a tertiary institution. The result showed that BASEMEN effectively reduced the case of examination malpractices vis-à-vis impersonation, masquerading etc and eliminated the stress of manual examination attendance and record keeping.