It is with immense pleasure and pride that I present to you Volume 6, Issue 2 of the Federal Polytechnic Ilaro - Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (FEPI-JOPAS). As we continue to embark on a journey of academic excellence, innovation, and knowledge dissemination, this edition brings to the fore a selection of thought-provoking, interdisciplinary research that showcases the ingenuity and expertise of our scholarly community. This volume features five exceptional manuscripts, each contributing to the advancement of scientific understanding in diverse fields, ranging from applied technology and energy systems to plant-based biochemistry and predictive algorithms. These papers are the result of rigorous research and critical analysis, reflecting the depth of scholarship fostered at the Federal Polytechnic Ilaro and beyond.
The first manuscript, authored by Alabi and Ojo titled A Comparative Analysis of Extreme Gradient Boosting and Support Vector Regression for Modeling Benchmark Crude Oil Prices, offers valuable insights into the application of machine learning algorithms in predicting one of the most volatile and essential global commodities—crude oil. By comparing the performance of two sophisticated modeling techniques, this study paves the way for more accurate forecasting in the energy sector. In the second paper, Kumoye and Remi-Esan considered Comparative Analysis of Phytochemical Constituents, Proximate Composition, and Energy Value of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Leaf and Petal Extracts. The authors dive into the rich nutritional and medicinal potential of Hibiscus sabdariffa. This paper not only adds to the growing body of knowledge on natural products but also has significant implications for the health and wellness industry, as well as sustainable agricultural practices.
In the third paper by Ayodele and Sodeinde, the work titled Student Academic Performance Prediction System Using Ensemble Algorithm explores the transformative potential of artificial intelligence in education. The authors have developed a system that predicts student performance based on multiple factors, providing a tool for improving academic outcomes and informing educational strategies. Paper four by Sanni and Onigbara, The Next On, Development of a Crucible Furnace Fired with Liquefied Petroleum Gas—Butane Gas, introduces an innovative approach to energy efficiency in industrial processes. This research presents a design for a crucible furnace that utilizes liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) as an alternative fuel, demonstrating how this can contribute to a more sustainable and cost-effective solution for melting operations in the manufacturing sector. Finally, the article by Sanni and Onigbara titled Design and Construction of Thermoelectric Generator Using Parabolic Trough Collector addresses the urgent need for sustainable energy solutions. This paper outlines the design and construction of a thermoelectric generator powered by solar energy, contributing to the exploration of renewable energy technologies and their integration into real-world applications.
Each manuscript in this issue is a testament to the vibrant academic environment and wide readership scientific platform created by FEPI-JOPAS for prolific authors of international repute. I commend the authors for their dedication to advancing knowledge in their respective fields. As we continue to foster research and innovation, it is our hope that these works will inspire further inquiry, discussion, and development, both within our institution and in the global academic community.
I extend my sincere gratitude to the reviewers, editorial team, and contributors who have made this publication possible. Without their tireless efforts, this journal would not be the prestigious platform it has become. As we look ahead to future editions, let us continue to uphold the values of academic rigor, curiosity, and the pursuit of knowledge. Thank you for your continued support of the Federal Polytechnic Ilaro - Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. I am looking forward to receiving your manuscripts for subsequent publications. This journal is indexed in Arican Journal Oline (AJOL) and can be accessed online at https://www.ajol.info/index.php/fepijopas. You can also visit our website (https://fepi-jopas.federalpolyilaro.edu.ng/) for more information or contact us via e-mail at [email protected]
Thank you and best regards.
Prof. Olayinka O. AJANI
Federal Polytechnic Ilaro - Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (FEPI-JOPAS)