Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): FEPI-JOPAS VOLUME 4 ISSUE 1

I gratefully welcome our readers and scientific community to the volume 4 issue 1 of Federal Polytechnic – Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (FEPI-JOPAS). This is a peer reviewed and accredited multi-disciplinary Journal of international repute which publishes short communication, full length research work, critical reviews and other review articles. The aim of FEPI-JOPAS is to provide intellectual bedrock for both indigenous and international scholars with impactful research work to express their research findings to a broader populace for better Contribution to knowledge. It is a current and beneficial platform for dissemination of latest research information to 21st Century researchers, professionals, policy makers, manufacturers, production staff, R & D personnel as well as governmental and non-governmental agencies.
Finally, as new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary. I want to sincerely appreciate our laudable efforts of the esteemed Editorial Board members, the Authors and the reviewers and their contributions towards making the production of this edition a worthwhile adventure. It is imperative to know that authors are solely responsible for the information, date and authenticity of data provided in their articles submitted for publication in the Federal Polytechnic Ilaro – Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (FEPI-JOPAS).