Assessment of Public Toilets Facilities Provision and Management in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria- An Overview of The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Ogun State.
Public Toilets, Facilities, Provision and Management.Abstract
Open defecation is a common occurrence in developing countries, particularly in Nigeria. However the importance of public conveniences at Nigerian higher institutions cannot be overstated since they help to improve the hygiene of the campus environment. The harmony of campus environment would not be completed without provision of standard public toilets facilities A detailed examination of the environment of tertiary institutions reveals that the absence of suitable public toilet facilities in crucial areas is a hindrance to the institution's adoption of a full-fledged academic environment. The aim of this study is to assess the provision and management of public toilet facilities in tertiary institutions using the Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, Ogun State as a case study. Both primary and secondary sources of data collection were used for the study whereby convenience and purposive sampling techniques were also used for the selection of respondents (students) and available public toilet facilities in the study area with 350 structured questionnaires administered to the selected respondents in the study area. Findings revealed improper usage and lack of effective management of the available public toilet facilities in the study area despite adequacy in its provision by the school management considering the number of users while the study concludes that proper monitoring culture should be adopted on the use of the facilities through a time to time checking and appropriate sanctions to any defaulter who misuse the facilities.